Goodreads puts a summary of your year together for you.
This year my reading goal was 60 books. I read 48 total and I’ve started several others. While I didn’t reach my goal, I do feel good about the books I did read. My average rating for all of the books I read was 4.2/5 stars which is pretty high! After reading 101 books last year (goal of 100) and feeling dissatisfied with some that I forced myself through in order to reach that goal, Josh suggested I try to read only books that I thought I would truly love. This meant stopping after I started some which has always been hard for me to do (but life is short!). I do feel good about my reading log this year despite not reaching my number goal.
My favorite book this year:
Beautifully written, hard to put down. The author transports you! I don’t want to spoil even a moment of it, but take a trip with this book.
Honorable mention:
It’s a beautiful thing when you read the book you need to read. Sometimes books find you where you’re at.
Books you won’t be able to put down:
I truly could not put these books down. The first one I read on vacation and the second one on Christmas break. They both stayed in my brain even when I wasn’t reading and I always love books that wrap you in a hug like that.
Least favorite: I looked through my list a couple times and none stand out as being a book I would suggest skipping. It was a good yea r!
My goal next year is: 52 books, just 1 a week. What’s your goal? Try to read 1 more than last year. Do you have a favorite book I MUST read? Please share with this book nerd.
Here are all the books I read this year: