Month: February 2020

February Books

I realize February isn’t over but it isn’t likely that I finish any of the books I’m reading now before Saturday. I only read 3 books this month, it was a slower month for me than January.

Would Like to Meet by Rachel Winters

2/5 stars

I listened to this book on audio while I laid in bed with the flu, so my low star count may be because I did the audio, sometimes depending on how it’s read a book does not come off as well as it would if I had read it, it’s hard to explain. This book is a romantic comedy, about a girl who is trying to help a writer write something based on her meet cutes (a funny/interesting way two people meet which leads to them dating) that she tries to spring on unsuspecting men. I didn’t really like any of the characters and I was just kind of waiting on it to end (obvious ending too). It was okay and worthy enough of a flu sick day.


Regretting You by Colleen Hoover

5/5 stars

This is the 3rd or 4th book I’ve read by Hoover and I have had a hard time putting all of them down. This one didn’t disappoint. Without giving too much away it centers on lost loves/past relationships and how sometimes even time and space can’t erase love/connection. Quick, great read.


Saint Monica and the Power of Persistent Prayer by Mike Aquilina and Mark Sullivan


5/5 stars

I’m reading this book with my Mom’s group at church, technically we are only on chapter 6 but I finished it quickly during my morning reading time (try to read a spiritual type book every morning). This was a great book about Saint Monica (Saint Augustine’s mother). Saint Augustine was kind of a hot mess but ended but being one of the greatest Saints of the Catholic faith and even outside of the faith he is well known and often quoted. It was easy to relate to this book because as a parent we all just want our kids to 1. Know and love God and 2. Just be okay. It’s hard sometimes to realize we have little to no control over pretty much everything. And even though the same was true for Saint Monica she never despaired, she prayed and even followed Saint Augustine. And though it took something like 16 years, Saint Augustine returned to the faith. I will likely reread this one.


Currently reading:

Be Brave in the Scared by Mary Lenaburg

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

The Only Plane in the Sky: An Oral History of 9/11 by Garrett M. Graff


January Books

Due to multiple illnesses in January, I was able to read 7 books, a successful start to the year. Here they are.

The Family Upstairs by Lisa Jewell

3/5 stars

This book was not what I expected. I loved one of Jewell’s other books last year, I couldn’t put it down and this one was just very different. It hooked me but it was hard to read, there was a negativity and darkness about that was hard for me to read through. I kept expecting the worst to happen next. So it just wasn’t an uplifting read in anyway for me. It wasn’t a bad book, it just wasn’t the one for me. The main character, was adopted as baby and when she turns 25 she inherits a house. In the course of the book you find out what happened in the house and why she was adopted.

The Explosive Child by Ross Greene


The title of this book is scary! This is really just a parenting book that focuses on lagging skills kids may have and ways to help them solve them in order to be successful. I realized last year that I myself have lagging skills and I’m trying to read and study as much as I can to help give my kiddos the skills they need to be exactly who they are supposed to be.

Parenting From the Inside Out by Dan Siegel

5/5 Stars

This was such a good book, I should just order it and keep reading it until it all sinks in. If you’ve had an trauma as a child (or as an adult), this is a great place to start (and therapy after if you need it). Trauma or adverse childhood experiences do change your brain, but you can repair that damage. Half of each chapter is science based research (I skimmed most of that part). Fascinating read.

Where’d You Go Bernadette by Maria Semple

3/5 stars

Kayleigh asked if I wanted to read this book. I started it years ago but didn’t get into it at the time. This time I started and finished it quickly. It was one of those books that I read quickly and enjoyed but finished feeling…hmm. Some of the transitions weren’t easy to follow and the last quarter of the book I felt like was a poor way to wrap up and end, it just didn’t seem plausible to me.

The Whole Brain Child by Dan Siegel

5/5 stars

This book is so good, I will likely read it again (May be one that I buy). Parent or not, this book just helps you understand yourself more. It will definitely make you a better parent, more patient and understanding. The brain is such a fascinating thing!

The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes

5/5 stars

My first 5/5 stars for a fiction novel, I do not give many of those out for fiction books. This book is a book about women and books and how books change lives, about how books can be your best friend, about how books can find you just where you are. It’s a book about friendships that run deep and not following the status quo. It’s good one.

Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J Maas

4/5 stars

This was the final book in a very long series. I’m not saying you shouldn’t read it (if you like love and war, then yes, go for it), but the books are long and detailed and can feel cumbersome. Normally this book would’ve taken me weeks to read but thanks to the flu I read it in a week or so. I appreciate how the series was wrapped up and I’ll miss the characters a little. But man, just so long!

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