Well, we have made it safely into February and while I’m at that point of, “Well 2019 can only get better from here,” the year has not been a total waste.  I thought I’d take a look at some of my resolutions and how I’m fairing. How are yours looking?

  • Listen more/talk less-Hm, I have definitely not been in quite the talkative mood although that’s not what I was really shooting for with this one. My hope is to be more present in the lives of others and less involved with myself. This was good to look back at to keep at the forefront of my mind.
  • Depend on my phone less-Fail mostly. While I’ve been on Facebook a lot less and have removed it from my phone for part of the last month, I still aimlessly check things. I’ve thought about going smartphone less but I do use my phone for good a lot. So that’s still up in the air.
  • Less fast food/junk-This is better but not perfect. Sometime I don’t eat in the morning and then we are out running around and I end up starving and accidentally stop and grab something. I have included more healthy foods at home though. So this in general has improved.
  • Gain muscle back/feel fit- 100% have nailed this one! I’m proud of myself for maintaining regular gym visits this year (16 so far I think?). I felt off a bit this week due to feeling out of it with a possible virus? Not sure. But I’m down a little weight and my clothes are fitting different and I feel muscles again!
  • Deny myself/slow down/spend less $ on inconsequential things-all have made progress and I have these things on my mind often! In addiction to this I am trying to simplify I our home more and have donated several bags of stuff. Hoping to get even more cohesive spaces in the next couple of months.
  • Blog more-Yay, I have blogged more regularly.
  • Learn Photoshop-Not even on my radar right now
  • Read 60 books- I think I’m at 4 books so far for the year but almost done with 2 more. I have not felt like reading much to be honest and need to get back into a good swing with it.

So overall, I think I have started to foster better habits and a healthier mindset on a lot of things. I have not felt the best emotionally (although I have felt much better in the last week or so). So that little dark cloud kinda followed me around and I was a slug for a bit. I’m choosing though, to focus on the progress I’ve made rather than bury myself in all the ways I could’ve done better. I think it’s important to pause and reflect on your goals/habits and find ways to do better. A book I’m reading by Matthew Kelly, keeps saying, “Just do the next right thing,” and that has become my mantra. And right now, that thing is getting Henry off the bus in these flooded waters! Hope your 2019 is looking up.